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Crane Hot Line

Report Details Lifting Equipment Buying Practices

Image: budgetstockphoto.comMarch 12, 2004 -Only 57.7 percent of equipment buyers purchase new lifting equipment, including aerial work platforms, forklifts, and cranes, from an authorized dealer, according to the recently released AED Construction Equipment Marketplace Report.

Least likely to be purchased from an authorized dealer are scissor lifts. According to the report, only 12.5 percent of contractors who purchased a scissor lift bought it from an authorized dealer; and only 18.8 percent of buyers purchased boom lifts from authorized dealers. Instead, nearly 33 percent of respondents who purchased lifting equipment bought it from rental companies.

Three out of four buyers who purchased scissor lifts bought them from rental companies and 22.5 percent purchased them at auction.

More than 56 percent of boom lift buyers bought them from a rental company and 12.5 percent bought them at auction.

In contrast, more than half of the forklift buyers (55.6 percent) bought them from an authorized dealer; although, 14.8 percent purchased them from rental companies and 11.1 percent, at auction.

AED's Construction Equipment Marketplace Report details the buying practices of contractors who purchase 28 specific types of equipment. For more information, go to


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